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Dr Katherine Duszyk

Respiratory Physician

Dr Katherine Duszyk


Dr Duszyk’s special interest is in airways disease including asthma, COPD as well as general Respiratory and Sleep Medicine.

Dr. Katarzyna Duszyk graduated from the University of Sydney in 2013, receiving an International Merit Scholarship for her academic excellence. She completed Specialist Physicians’ Training at Liverpool Hospital and further specialized in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine. In 2020, she became a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

Respiratory and Sleep Physician

Dr. Katarzyna Duszyk



  • Qualifications
  • Experience
  • PhD student-at the University of Newcastle in the area of Treatable Traits Model of Care applied to chronic airway disease diagnosis and management.


  • Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2020.


  • University of Sydney with Bachelor of Medical Sciences, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in 2013.

Dr Katarzyna Duszyk graduated from University of Sydney with Bachelor of Medical Sciences, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in 2013. During her university training she was awarded the International Merit Scholarship for academic excellence in Medicine and Medical Sciences by the Faculty of Medicine at University of Sydney. Following completion of her internship and residency training, she undertook a 3-year Specialist Physicians’ Training at Liverpool Hospital, where she gained experience in a wide range of subspecialities in internal medicine including Respiratory Medicine.

Having successfully completed her Royal Australasian College of Physician’s written and oral exams, she undertook further Specialist Training in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at John Hunter and Royal North Shore Hospitals. During her training she gained experience in diagnosis and management of chronic airway disease including asthma, COPD and bronchiectasis, interstitial lung disease, lung cancer diagnosis and management, as well as management of respiratory failure and sleep disordered breathing. She was awarded with the fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2020. Dr Duszyk is currently undertaking further training through a PhD at the University of Newcastle in the area of Treatable Traits Model of Care applied to chronic airway disease diagnosis and management. Treatable traits model of care is proposed as a novel vehicle for applying precision medicine to airway diseases to improve important patient centred outcomes.

Book your Appointment

With a Respiratory Physician

Specialised in diagnosing and managing respiratory conditions, from minor to complex.


Mon – Fri
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sat – Sun
Public Holiday: Closed



Mon – Fri
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sat – Sun
Public Holiday: Closed


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