Do you knwo the symptoms of lung cancer?

Lung cancer treatment success is optimised by rapid diagnosis. So act on these symptoms early.
- Weight loss. More than 60 per cent of lung cancer patients report recent sudden weight loss, so be sure to report any rapid weight loss.
- Hoarseness. As the tumour develops, a blockage can occur that may cause pressure and push against the larynx or vocal chords.
- Unusual shortness of breath
- Persistent cough that lasts for longer than eight weeks, which may also be present in the day but is often worse at night. It can be dry or productive, and whilst not often not lung cancer this condition needs to be ruled out.
- Coughing up blood or rust-coloured phlegm needs prompt evaluation.
- Feeling weak or fatigued for no discernible reason, for instance climbing stairs or vacuuming.
- In men, breast enlargement whether subtle or dramatic can indicate lung cancer especially with other symptoms on this list, however this is a rarer sign
- Frequently catching colds and flu (can be a sign of a low immune system OR lung cancer)
- Chest pain is a sign the cancer is pressing against surrounding tissues, while bone pain can also occur if the cancer has metastasized to the bones.
- Thick scaly white skin on the palms “tripe palms” can be associated with stomach and lung cancer
- Shoulder pain can occur as a lung tumour puts pressure on the top of the lungs and nerves in the armpit, which can result in aches, tingling and pain down the shoulder and inner arm. Swollen lymph nodes and facial swelling can also accompany cancer-related shoulder pain.
- About 40% of Dr Herath’s practice involves treating lung cancer patients using the most modern diagnostic techniques such as EBUS.